Rejoignez-nous lors du 33ème séminaire de génétique clinique les 2 et 3 février 2023 à Angers. Thomas Bolzec et Mira Ayadi vous attendent avec plaisir sur notre stand pour discuter de vos projets de génomique. N’hésitez pas à les contacter pour prendre rendez-vous : services@integragen.com

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IntegraGen reports €12.6m in revenues for 2022 representing 16% growth compared to 2021 and a cash position of €4.5m

Growth supported by the high-throughput genomic sequencing laboratory in Evry Continued sequencing activities on platforms operated on behalf of third parties supported by new clinical research projects in oncology

EVRY, FRANCE, FRIDAY JANUARY 13TH 2023, 7.30AM CET – IntegraGen (FR0010908723 – ALINT), an OncoDNA Group company specializing in the decryption of (…)  » 

IntegraGen reports strong revenues growth of 35% with profitability improvement

Better profitability despite the inflation Confirmed growth outlook for the 2022 financial year Increase in services provided to platforms operated on behalf of third parties

EVRY, FRANCE, TUESDAY OCTOBER 18TH 2022, 7.30AM – IntegraGen (FR0010908723 – ALINT – Eligible PEA PME), IntegraGen, a company specializing in the decryption (…)  » 

IntegraGen reports 6.4 M€ in revenues for the first half of 2022 representing 34% growth compared to H1 2021. Cash position of 4.5 M€.

Continued sustained growth associated with the company’s sequencing platform in Évry and long-term contracts Strong revenue growth linked with microbiology sequencing

Evry, France, Wednesday July 13th 2022, 7.30am – IntegraGen (FR0010908723 – ALINT ), an OncoDNA Group company specializing in the decryption of the human genome which performs (…)  »