Bernard Courtieu,General Manager
Bernard has served as the CEO of IntegraGen since 2007. During his tenure, IntegraGen has grown from a biomarker discovery platform to an European leader of genomic services, with a listing on Euronext Growth in 2010, and a friendly takeover by OncoDNA in 2020.
Before heading up IntegraGen, he was Head of Implementation and Sales in France for Ariba (later acquired by SAP), a leading provider of expense management software, and was Managing Partner of the Life Sciences department at CapGemini Consulting in France.
Prior to leading IntegraGen, he was Head of implementation and sales in France for Ariba (later acquired by SAP), a leading software editor for spend management, and was managing partner of the Life Sciences department of CapGemini consulting in France.
Bernard graduated from the École Vétérinaire d’Alfort in Paris as a Doctor in Veterinary Medicine and holds an MBA from IESE in Barcelona.
Father of five, Bernard enjoys mostly running, playing (now mostly watching) rugby and is an avid reader.