• Downturn in microbiology sequencing platform activity after a strong contribution in the 1st half 2022 in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Adjusted for this base effect, growth came to 6% over the period.
  • Slight decline in revenues recognized by the sequencing platform for R&D at Evry

EVRY, FRANCE, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023, 7:30 AM - IntegraGen (FR0010908723 - ALINT - PEA PME eligible)an OncoDNA company specializing in the genomics of cancer and rare genetic diseases, which carries out interpretable genomic analyses for academic and private laboratories, today announced its unaudited sales for the first half of 2023.

Unaudited sales for the first half came to €5,628k, down 13% on H1 2022. This decline is mainly due to an unfavorable base effect with H1 2022, which had benefited from strong activity from the microbiology sequencing platform operated on behalf of a third party as part of the needs related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Excluding revenues from this platform, sales would have risen by 6% over the period. This amount does not include the re-invoicing of personnel costs to the parent company.

Sequencing activities for R&D are in line with those recorded in H1 2022. Several major projects were carried out on the company's Évry platform. Clinical research activities in oncology continued to gain momentum, as did other outsourced activities.

The cash position at the end of June 2023 stood at 4,285 k€, representing a change of -0.2 M€ compared with the cash position at December 31, 2022. This position includes the outstanding balance of 1,317 k€ of the State Guaranteed Loan (PGE) obtained in 2020 in connection with the pandemic. The change in this position over the past six months is essentially due to the repayment of this loan.

With a stable order book at the end of June, growth prospects remain established on the basis of current sales momentum, multi-year contracts in place and revenue synergies activated within the OncoDNA Group.

Bernard Courtieu, CEO of IntegraGen, comments: " In this first year without the benefit of the exceptional requirements linked to COVID-19, the 3% increase in IntegraGen's sales, restated for this unfavorable base effect, demonstrates the robustness of our business model, as well as the strategic relevance of developing our portfolio of oncology sequencing offerings. This is what we are doing with conviction in 2023 through the deployment of solutions to support the development of oncology molecules based on the targeting and monitoring of patients in clinical trials. This innovative, high-potential initiative will enable us to exploit new sources of growth in synergy with the OncoDNA Group since the merger in 2021. "

Financial results for the first half of 2023 will be published on October 20, 2023.

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Bernard COURTIEU - General Manager

Pierre FLAMANT - Chief Financial Officer


Phone: +33 (0)1 60 91 09 00


Investor Relations



Phone: +33 (0)1 44 71 98 53

July 24, 2024

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